Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
Held in Drigg Village Hall on 13th December 2022 at 6.30 pm
Attended: John Jennings JJ (Chair)
Andy Pratt AP (Vice-Chair)
Keith Murray KM
Suey Browne SB
Jimmy Naylor JN
Chris Gigg CG
Karen Warmoth (Clerk / RFO)
Apologies: Jo Whyte JW
Keith Hitchen KH
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 8th November 2022
- Resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting on 8th November 2022 as a true and accurate record was proposed by KM and seconded by AP with all in favour; minutes signed by the Chair
- Apologies for absence: see above
- Declarations of Interest relating to this agenda
- Planning: JJ declared an interest in item 10.b.i
- No other declarations of interest were made
- Financial Matters
- Finance Report: the balance is £5,198.88
- Payments:
- Parish Hall IT upgrade: Westcom invoice 7118491 for the large screen in the supper room for £4,215 plus VAT of £843 totalling £5,058 has been approved for payment as soon as the GDF award clears the account (cheque number 902)
- Parish Hall IT upgrade: Dion Seath invoice 22-23.016 to board off windows and fix a pad to the wall to carry a 98” touchscreen TV total £298 approved for payment (cheque number 903)
- Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments: SAAA appointee for the next five years is Moore
- Draft budget 2023-2024: budget sent to all Cllrs for review and approved with all in favour
- Delayed roof payment: payment of £4,292 due in three days’ time as the second tranche of the roof repair project funding (initially withheld till the project was complete)
- Actions and Matters Arising from previous Council meetings
- Action 10/1: forms forwarded by JJ to update authorised signatories – ongoing
- Action 10/3: Highways have no objection to the chosen site – closed
- Action 10/4: KH to obtain a copy of Waberthwaite PC Clerk’s contract, which may shape the Drigg and Carleton Clerk’s contract – ongoing
Action 12/1: AP to investigate contracts used by Gosforth and Seascale PCs for their part-time clerks
- Action 11/1: AP to liaise with Julie Friend regarding presentation on community housing led initiatives – suggested for January 2023 meeting – ongoing
- Action 11/2: completed
- Action 11/3: AP to research public consultation on Deep Time Art project – ongoing
- Action 11/4: completed – posters to be given out with the Christmas gift for the elderly
- Action 11/5: completed – draft budget approved
- Reports from County and District Councillors
- County: nothing to report
- Copeland: nothing to report
- Cumberland: nothing to report
- Public Participation
- No members of the public came forward
- Main Business
- Co-opting a new councillor: Mr Chris Gigg came forward to be co-opted as a new councillor, having provided a signed declaration of his eligibility and a completed DPI form. He signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, co-signed by the Clerk, and joined the Council
- Hall stairs project: CBC Building Control have approved the Building Regulations application, with conditions on compliance with building (incl structural calcs) and fire regulations. Structural engineer (WDS Ltd) quoted £775 + VAT (project pre-approved to £1K) for a detailed design pack including structural calculations
- Warm Hub project: LLWR suggested buying flasks to supply soup to people unable to come to the hall and offered to send volunteers to deliver it to the housebound. Need to attract more volunteers to help run the scheme. Currently attracting around 12 attendees (one day adversely affected due to a local funeral). Soup made by Gordon at the Vic and delivered so no food hygiene certificate needed for food preparation. Village hall passed food hygiene inspection to serve hot food. CCC funding available to pay for heating and food
Action 12/2: AP to plan a budget to submit to CCC to gain funding for the Warm Hub
- Bench: Highways have no objection to the bench being sited where suggested. Cost of gravel, spoil removal, flags and labour pre-approved up to a cost of £500. AP to check with Stuart or appropriate person to install the bench as soon as practicable
Action 12/3: AP to liaise with the appropriate person to install the bench
- CiLCA: the Clerk has registered an interest with CALC in training towards CiLCA qualification. The costs are liable to be around £600 when last reviewed. Possibility of exploring funding from the Drigg Charity as a community benefit?
- Cumbria Coastal Community Forest: AP a member of this committee; issue raised by KH. Leaflet sent to all Parish Councillors for informed discussion in the January meeting
- PROWs / Bridleways: three gates in need of repair
- Holmes Lane, entry to Drigg Holme, CBC: what3words location invents.makeup.else
- Holmes Bridge (north side) gate, CBC: what3words location screening.curving.spaceship
- Holmes Bridge (south side) gate, LDNP: what3words location clustered.airbrush.piston
Action 12/4: Clerk to liaise with relevant authorities to request repairs are carried out on PROW gates
- Received communications
- Copeland Borough Council Local Plan 2021-2038: CBC working on actions from the Inspector
- Boundary Commission Consultation: notification arrived too late for the PC to comment
- NALC and Society of Local Council Clerks: SLCC run the CiLCA training and closer partnership with NALC may be to our benefit
- Planning Applications
- Lake District National Park:
- none
- Copeland Borough Council:
- CBC Ref APP/Z0923/W/22/3304774 – Land North of Station Road, Drigg: appeal against non-determination within statutory timescales. JJ declared an interest and left the room. This matter was discussed in the July meeting and minuted at 12.a.i July 2022. Proposed by KM and seconded by SB that the Parish Council has not changed its views and still remains broadly in favour of the development with the proviso that affordable housing for local people should be available if and where appropriate. All in favour
- SCR Ref 4/22/35 – Peel Place Quarry, Gosforth: notification of a screening request in an adjoining parish which may also impact on Drigg and Carleton. No comment at this time
- Lake District National Park:
- Cumbria Association of Local Councils
- CIO status: decision of the AGM to apply for CIO status was appealed; meeting on Friday 16th December 2022 to discuss CIO status again
- Reports from Representatives
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
- December meeting: cancelled due to adverse weather conditions
- Survey: Teams online presentation on the baseline survey of Mid Copeland residents. Over 60% of those polled were in favour of constructing a GDF in Mid Copeland
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
- Local Government Review: Drigg and Carleton PC will move to the South Copeland Community Partnership from April 2023 in line with Government policy that the search areas should be based on electoral wards. AP has a seat on South Copeland CP ex officio as elected councillor for Millom Without. Drigg and Carleton PC must elect a representative to sit on the South Copeland CP from April 2023 to retain voting rights. Drigg may retain a non-voting seat on the Mid Copeland CP.
- NWS Liaison: meeting on 29th November 2022 at Pelham House
- Vacancies: NWS shared the link to the new vacancy portal:
This is freely available for anyone to view and may be added to the D&C website
- Marquee: clarification of marquee insurance. Users must ensure there are three days’ insurance cover for the marquee; the day before, the day of the event and the day after. Insurance for the contractor if the marquee is installed early or dismantled late is covered. Terms and conditions of hire must now include a requirement that users have insurance for the marquee (individual event organisers may check their public liability insurance to see if they are already covered). Lockharts may be able to suggest possible insurers in this market
Action 12/5: Clerk to contact Lockharts for clarification of marquee insurance
- New building: DCPC raised concerns regarding the proposed new site office block on the grounds of increased traffic flow (already too heavy) and the potential problems of the additional traffic using Station Road which isn’t suitable for higher volumes of traffic being predominantly a residential street
- Next meeting: 31st January 2023 at Pelham House
- Agenda for next meeting
- Budget to be submitted: confirm with CBC
- Cumbria Coastal Community Forest: KH and AP
- Date of next meeting
- Meeting closed 8.20 pm
- Next meeting to be held on 10th January 2023 at Drigg Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Karen Warmoth
Parish Clerk
Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
15th December 2022
Summary of Actions
Action 10/4: KH to obtain a copy of Waberthwaite PC Clerk’s contract, which may shape the Drigg and Carleton Clerk’s contract – ongoing
Action 11/1: AP to liaise with Julie Friend re presentation on community led housing initiatives – suggested for January 2023 meeting – ongoing
Action 11/3: AP to research public consultation on Deep Time Art project – ongoing
Action 12/1: AP to investigate contracts used by Gosforth and Seascale PCs for their part time clerks
Action 12/2: AP to plan a budget to submit to CCC to gain funding for the Warm Hub
Action 12/3: AP to liaise with the appropriate person to install the bench
Action 12/4: Clerk to liaise with relevant authorities to request repairs are carried out on PROW gates
Action 12/5: Clerk to contact Lockharts for clarification of marquee insurance