The Bursary Fund provides awards to enable individuals in Drigg & Carleton Parish to have better access to training opportunities, skills training and further and higher education.
The Bursary Fund has also introduced a new award: Post 16 Transport. This award is to offset part of the cost of transport for Year 12 & 13 students living in Drigg & Carleton Parish who use the school bus or public transport to attend local schools and colleges. Other means of transport, such as private cars, may also be considered in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Trustees.
Application Form and Guidance Notes are available on this site.
The Bursary Fund is managed by the Drigg Charity and funded by the Drigg Charity in partnership with Nuclear Waste Services.
Forms to apply for funding are listed under Application Forms and Guidance Notes.
For any further information on how to apply to these funds, please contact the Charity Secretary (