The Drigg Local History Group
Based at Drigg Village Hall, we hold 6 meetings a year with local presenters giving talks on subjects of interest to our village and the surrounding areas. These talks start in February each year after the AGM; further talks are in March, April, September, October and November.
We hope to arrange day trips to places of interest mid-year.
Membership is just £5 a year. Members pay £1 per meeting. Visitors are most welcome, the cost for them is £2.50 whilst under 16s are FREE.
We meet at the Drigg Village Hall (CA19 1XF) normally on the fourth Tuesday of the month, in Spring and Autumn. On meeting nights, the hall is open at 7.00pm for free refreshments and the meetings start at 7.30pm.
Meeting dates etc. are shown in the events section of Drigg website.
For more information you can contact DLHG on
Muckypups Playgroup – Fun for toddlers meet every Thursday during term time in the Drigg Village Hall, 10.00am – 12.00noon.
Parents, grandparents and carers of babies, toddlers and pre-school children are invited to bring them along and join in our sessions which offer a variety of play, social opportunities and fun for the very young and their accompanying adults.
Drigg & Carleton Gala Committee – As well as the annual gala, they organise Arts Out West and Cine North events :
Tuesday Chat – A social afternoon held on the first Tuesday of the month in Drigg and Carleton Village Hall, 2-4pm. A chance to chat with neighbours and meet new friends.
Arts Out West and Cine North (please see also
Cine North Film Screenings in Drigg and Carleton Village Hall:-
Please click on the above link for the latest information
Events @ Drigg
Cinema by CINENORTH and Theatre by Arts Out West :
West Lakes U3A
On the first Wednesday of the month the West Lakes U3A holds a History presentation. Events are advertised on this website. Posters are on local noticeboards, the Parish magazine, Facebook, etc giving the title of the presentation. Refreshments at 10.15 am, speaker begins at 10.45 am. Cost is £2 to Members, £3 to visitors
Holmrook Reading Room Table Tennis Club
Meets on Wednesdays 6.30 – 7.30pm. All welcome young or old. Contact David on 019467 24632 (other times can be arranged)
Moky Fit
Mondays, 6.30pm at Seasale Primary School. Everyone welcome and any exercise level welcome.
For more information contact Nicola Tubman: