Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
Held in Drigg Village Hall on 10th January 2023 at 7.50 pm
Attended: John Jennings JJ (Chair)
Andy Pratt AP (Vice-Chair)
Keith Murray KM
Suey Browne SB
Jimmy Naylor JN
Chris Gigg CG
Jo Whyte JW
Keith Hitchen KH
Karen Warmoth (Clerk / RFO)
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 13th December 2022
- Resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting on 13th December 2022 as a true and accurate record was proposed by KM and seconded by SB with all in favour; minutes signed by the Chair
- Apologies for absence: none
- Declarations of Interest relating to this agenda: none
- Financial Matters
- Finance Report:
- Balance: the balance on the Parish Council account is £14,907.88
- Precept: £3,250 submitted as precept to CBC
- Payments:
- Clerk / RFO bill: invoice4-2022 submitted to Parish Council for Clerk / RFO services for Oct-Dec 2022 for £405.49 (net salary of £376.66 plus expenses £28.83). Payment approval proposed by AP, seconded by KM with all in favour (cheque 905)
- Secretary / Treasurer: bill sent to Drigg Charity for £208.19 for use of Clerk/RFO services, invoice 2023 Jan
- Online account: proposed by AP and seconded by JN that the Parish Council should move to an online account for administrative convenience, with all in favour
- GDF CIF awards: now that the funding is available in the bank account, proposed by AP and seconded by KM that the cost of the large touchscreen in the main hall should be pre-approved up to £12,000 when the invoice arrives from Westcom, with all in favour
- Delayed roof payment: payment of £4,292.50 forming the second tranche of the 2018 roof repair project funding (initially withheld till the project was complete) paid to Drigg and Carleton Community Fund by CCF in December 2022
- Finance Report:
- Actions and Matters Arising from previous Council meetings
- Action 10/1: KM accepted as an authorised signatory with admin progressing; SB next
- Action 10/4: contract sourced via SLCC. Action closed
- Action 11/1: AP to liaise with Julie Friend regarding presentation on community housing led initiatives – JF unable to attend in January, but possibly February – ongoing
- Action 11/3: AP to research public consultation on Deep Time Art project – no info available as yet – ongoing
- Action 12/1: contact sourced via SLCC. Action closed
- Action 12/2: a budget to request £1,500 funding the Warm Hub has been submitted to CCC by AP. Approval to pay the Victoria Hotel invoice 1231 at a cost of £100 incl VAT (£83 plus £17 VAT) was proposed by AP, seconded by KM with all in favour (cheque number 906)
- Action 12/3: AP spoke to Stuart Kenyon who will spray paint the area where the bench will be sited for councillors to check it is correct, and then install the bench as requested. AP to confirm when the work is done. Action closed
- Action 12/4: Clerk was notified by LDNP that no funding was available for repairs – the landowner must mend any dangerous gates on a PROW (query whether LDNP have a statutory duty to repair?); the other PROW sites were logged with CCC Highways. Action closed
- Action 12/5: Lockharts confirmed that the Drigg and Carleton marquee is covered by an insurance policy paid annually by LLWR. The insurance value is £14k with a storm damage excess of £5k. Action closed
Action 1/1: JW to review SLCC model contact and recommend what should be included/excluded
- Reports from County and District Councillors
- County: nothing to report; budget is running low as CCC comes to the end of its term
- Copeland: during handover period, concern to ensure jobs are distributed evenly across the geographic area of Copeland, not concentrated in one place
- Cumberland: Copeland are sending a Planning Officer to LLWR for a site visit to review a request for a major variation in their planning application (which had not been communicated to Drigg and Carleton Parish Council)
- Public Participation
- No members of the public came forward
- Main Business
- Parish Hall stairs project: nothing further to report at this time
- Parish Hall IT project: Clerk to send interim report to GDF CIF fund on progress to date
- Warm Hub project: AP has submitted a budget request of £1,500 to fund the Warm Hub – see 5.f above
- Bench: in progress – see 5.g above
- Cumbria Coastal Community Forest: project to plant trees near the coast but no land owned by the PC; other coastal landowners can apply
- Pollinators scheme: Drigg approved to be part of this scheme next year with the verge in the dip to be planted up (grasscutter must be reminded not to cut this verge). Volunteers requested to help with the planting as soon as dates are available (possibly School forest club?); the Pollinators team will cut back and remove all dead plants at the end of the year.
- PROWs / Bridleways: three gates in need of repair, all reported. LDNP indicated they have no funds for repairs and local landowners must repair gates, fences and stiles. No reply from CCC so reported again
- Holmes Lane, entry to Drigg Holme, CBC: what3words location invents.makeup.else
- Holmes Bridge (north side) gate, CBC: what3words location screening.curving.spaceship
- Holmes Bridge (south side) gate, LDNP: what3words location clustered.airbrush.piston
- Received communications
- Parishioner enquiry re election: pre-election notifications will be sent out by CBC / Cumberland to Parish Clerks and prospective councillors will submit their signed nomination forms. If there are more nominations than seats, this will trigger an election. If no election is needed, the Parish Council may decide to reduce the number of councillors. Suggested that the parishioner should attend a PC meeting as a member of the public to see how PC business is transacted
- NALC update: the May 2023 meeting may be held on Tuesday 9th May but the agenda must be circulated two days earlier than usual days due to the election and the Coronation Bank Holiday
- Electric Vehicle Charging Points: AP has registered Gosforth, Seascale and Drigg (sited at the Drigg Village Hall) for a free installation of electric vehicle charging points. The village hall will get the money spent on charging fees and free maintenance for five years
- Planning Applications
- Lake District National Park: none
- Copeland Borough Council: none
- Cumbria Association of Local Councils
- CIO status: application for CIO status was approved again; workshop in two weeks for what will happen going forward
- CALC Rep: Chris Shaw the Copeland CALC Rep is on Carer leave for the foreseeable future; enquiries to be directed to the CALC office email to be picked up by the team
- Safeguarding Policy: proposed by JW and seconded by KM that the PC should adopt the model Safeguarding Policy produced by CALC, with all in favour. AP agreed to be the nominated Safeguarding Lead and has DBS clearance. The Policy will be published on the website with the PC documents
Action 1/2: Clerk to complete the Safeguarding Policy template
- Reports from Representatives
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
- Local Government Review: Letter received from the Chair of Mid Copeland Community Partnership detailing the policy changes engendered by the Local Government Review. Drigg and Carleton PC will move to the South Copeland Community Partnership from April 2023 in line with Government policy that the search areas should be based on electoral wards. AP has a seat on South Copeland CP ex officio as elected councillor for Millom Without. Drigg and Carleton PC must elect a representative to sit on the South Copeland Community Partnership from April 2023 to retain voting rights. Drigg and Carleton may retain a non-voting seat on the Mid Copeland CP (to be reviewed on 1st April 2024). CG expressed interest as a potential Drigg and Carleton delegate to South Copeland Community Partnership from April 2023
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
Action 1/3: Clerk to reply to the letter from Mid Copeland Community Partnership to accept the non-voting seat
Action 1/4: Clerk to write to South Copeland Community Partnership to discuss the Drigg and Carleton seat / delegate
- NWS Liaison: nothing to report
- Next meeting: 31st January 2023 at Pelham House
- Agenda for next meeting
- Agenda: items to be submitted three working days before the meeting
- South Copeland Community Partnership: appoint a delegate to South Copeland CP
- Date of next meeting
- Meeting closed 8.55 pm
- Next meeting to be held on 14th February 2023 at Drigg Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Karen Warmoth
Parish Clerk
Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
16th January 2023
Summary of Actions
Action 1/1: JW to review SLCC model contact and recommend what should be included/excluded
Action 1/2: Clerk to complete the Safeguarding Policy template
Action 1/3: Clerk to reply to the letter from Mid Copeland Community Partnership to accept the non-voting seat
Action 1/4: Clerk to write to South Copeland Community Partnership to discuss the Drigg and Carleton seat / delegate