
Drigg & Carleton Parish Council – Minutes – April 2024

Minutes Uploaded on April 17, 2024



Held in Drigg Village Hall on 9th April 2024 at 6.30 pm



John Jennings                                 JJ            (Chair)

Andy Pratt                                       AP          (Vice-Chair)

Sadie Clarke                                    SC

Jimmy Naylor                                 JN

Chris Gigg                                        CG

Keith Murray                                  KM

Martin Clayton                               MC

Karen Warmoth                             (Clerk / RFO)



Suey Browne                                  SB

  • Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 12th March 2024
    1. Resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting on 12th March 2024 as a true and accurate record proposed by KM and seconded by SC with all in favour; minutes signed by the Chair


  • Apologies for absence: Suey Browne


  • Declarations of interest relating to this agenda: none


  • Financial matters
    1. Finance report
      1. Balance: the balance of the Parish Council account is £2,829.19
        • HMRC are owed £128.80 in tax, as yet unclaimed
        • HMRC owe DCPC £200 after a successful appeal against a fine
      2. Consideration of payments
        1. Clerk’s invoice Jan – Mar 2024: total of £618.86 (including acting as Charity Secretary / Treasurer) invoiced by the Clerk – payment proposed by SC and seconded by KM, with all in favour
        2. DCPC Invoice sent: Charity billed £276.98 for the services of the Clerk Jan – Mar 2024
  • Actions and matters arising
    1. Action 2/4: AP to follow up on the unsightly rusting metal sign at Greengarth being removed – no further information available. AP to liaise with National Park contacts – action closed
    2. Action 3/1: JJ and CG to review whether feasible to engage a structural engineer for the loft ladder – action completed
    3. Action 3/2: JJ to find original drawings of the Village Hall – action completed
    4. Action 3/3: AP to report back from NWS about beach benches after the next Liaison meeting – March 2024 meeting was cancelled – action ongoing
    5. Action 3/4: Traffic sub-cttee meeting to be arranged by AP to review survey data – concerns summarised in a list of bullet points – action closed
    6. Action 3/5: Clerk to review the cost and availability of appropriate flags – resolved not to buy the D-DAY80 flag but instead to buy the Remembrance Day flag “Lest We Forget” – action closed
    7. Action 3/6: SC to research type / cost of paint needed for marking the Village Hall car park – 5 litres of road marking paint from Amazon costs £75 – DCPC to fund this initiative – action completed
    8. Action 3/7: AP and SC to do the car park painting – action completed
    9. Action 3/8: CG to book the speaker for the Annual Parish meeting 2024 – suggested donation to the Ratty in lieu of speaker’s fee – action completed
    10. Action 3/9: Clerk to arrange for new Defibrillator battery to be installed – action completed


  • Cumberland Council
    1. Report
      1. Housing needs: AP to attend meeting with Cumberland re a housing needs survey for accommodation for the elderly, intended to allow people to move to smaller properties / sheltered accommodation but remain in their local area
    2. Highways
      1. A595 Road closure: meeting at Lillyhall on Thursday 18th April 2024 at 9 am – 11 am
      2. Two Cllrs per parish allowed; online link via Teams available for others interested
  • AP (as Ward Cllr), CG and MC to attend on behalf of Drigg & Carleton
  1. Planned night closures for road resurfacing project beginning at 7 pm
  2. Suggested that closures should begin at 10 pm (would make the project take longer)
    • Care workers need to drive to Millom after 7 pm
    • Emergency services may need access
    • Highways to allow access to carers / emergency vehicles and monitor usage
  3. Old Shore Road: flooding due to drains blocking
  • Holmrook, opposite Lutwidge Arms: Highways are reinforcing the bank to prevent the road falling towards a steep bank before resurfacing work begins


  • Public Participation
    1. No members of the public came forward with questions


  • Main Business
    1. Hall Loft project
      1. Loft Ladder: loft ladder is now the preferred option; need to define requirements
      2. CG and JN to cut/lift the floor to assess placing of joists / pipes / services on 14th April
  • JJ to provide the plans for the loft (currently in the safe)
  1. Once the initial survey is done, present a simplified request to the structural engineer
  2. Pre-authorisation of up to £1,500 to fund a structural engineer’s advice proposed by JN, seconded by KM with all in favour
  3. Need to instruct the structural engineer soon to allow installation over the summer
  • Ladder must be ordered 6-8 weeks before installation (ideally by beginning of June)
  • Ideal time for installation would be August when the hall is less busy
  1. Costs of rerouting service pipes to be considered at the next meeting if required
  2. Fire alarm may need to be replaced / relocated from the loft
  1. Newsletter
    1. Summer issue: due 1st May 2024, before the Annual Parish meeting (on 16th May 2024)
    2. Draft copy: request for two pictures to be changed
  • Printing: Barneys Print shop at Boonwood, 300 copies, price £165 (payment authorised by DCCF, January 2024, minute 7.b.i)
  1. Distribution: Clerk to share copies among those willing to distribute as before
    • Distribution to be completed no later than 29th April 2024
  2. Beach benches
    1. Beach benches: both benches are a hazard with rotten boards and poor foundations
    2. NWS to raise both matters with the NDA – ongoing
  3. Traffic Survey: sub-cttee reviewed the traffic survey and summarised concerns
  4. D-DAY80 flag: resolved not to buy the D-DAY80 flag for one day; proposed by SC to buy a Remembrance Day flag “Lest we forget” at a cost of £24, seconded by AP with all in favour
  5. Wheelchair access to Drigg Village Hall: AP and SC propose to undertake this painting project, with all in favour. Road marking paint at £75 for 5 litres is available from Amazon
  6. Warm Hub: the Winter Warm Hub will end on 27th April 2024
    1. Query whether it should continue as a social Wellbeing Hub over the summer?
    2. Funding of £723.50 left over from Winter Warm Hub; enough to fund tea/coffee/cake
  • Summer Wellbeing Hub would depend on volunteers being available
  1. Clerk to draw up a rota so volunteers are only asked to attend once a month
  1. Cleaner: after making such a good job of cleaning the windows of the Village Hall, it was proposed to send a letter of thanks to the cleaner for her hard work
  2. Public Space Protection Order: relating to anti-social behaviour. Cumberland Council do not propose to extend this PSPO


Action 4/1: Clerk to organise distribution of Summer edition of Newsletter by end April

Action 4/2: Clerk to order Remembrance Day flag

Action 4/3: Clerk to buy road marking paint

Action 4/4: Clerk to draw up a rota for the Summer Wellbeing Hub

Action 4/5: Clerk to write a letter of thanks to the cleaner


  • Received communications
    1. NDA Properties letter: initially no response or acknowledgment from NDA
      1. Email received on 11th April 2024 acknowledging the letter and halting all demolition pending a meeting with local parish representatives
    2. Cumberland Council Public Space Protection Order: email received about proposals to extend this Order against anti-social behaviour 
  • Planning Applications
    1. Lake District National Park Authority: None
    2. Cumberland Council
      1. 4/24/2076/0F1: Hill Farm, Holmrook. Change of use of existing general purpose agricultural building to house cattle (retrospective)
        • This application has been withdrawn
  • Cumbria Association of Local Councils
    1. No meeting held since the last Parish Council meeting
  • Reports from Representatives
    1. GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
      1. Managing Withdrawal sub-group
        • A policy document has been written on how a decision to withdraw might be taken and implemented given the unique status of Mid Copeland (since the existing waste is stored here already irrespective of whether the GDF is finally built here)
        • Meeting to be held on 11th April 2024 to discuss Associated Development and the impact this might have on the Test of Public Support (TOPS)
      2. Next meeting: to take place on 22nd April 2024 at Beckermet Reading Rooms at 3 pm
    2. GDF South Copeland Community Partnership
      1. Withdrawal: CG raised this issue with the Chair of South Copeland CP for inclusion on the agenda when all Community Partnership Chairs meet on 11th April 2024
      2. Next South Copeland meeting: to take place on 17th April 2024 at the Lighthouse Centre, Haverigg at 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
  • British Geological Survey visit: CG reported on a visit to the BGS in Nottingham
    • Geology in the Solway can support a GDF (it is “progressible”)
    • Geologists are able to advise engineers of information about rocks, fault lines, etc
    • Rolling programme of work as information given triggers further questions


  1. NWS / DCPC Liaison
    1. March 2024 Meeting: unavoidably cancelled by NWS
    2. Next NWS / DCPC Liaison meeting: to take place in April 2024 at Pelham House
  • Agenda for next meeting
    1. AGM: review all documents, pre-authorisations, etc
    2. APM: review of the DCPC and Drigg Charity activities for 2023-24
      1. Presentation of early 20th century photographs of Drigg & Carleton taken by Mary Fair
    3. AGAR: audit and approval of AGAR forms


  • Date of next meeting
    1. Close: meeting closed 7.45 pm
    2. Next meeting: to be held on 14th May 2024 at Drigg Village Hall at 6.30 pm 

Karen Warmoth
Parish Clerk
Drigg & Carleton Parish Council
14th April 2024


Summary of Actions

Action 3/3: AP to report back from NWS about beach benches after next Liaison meeting – ongoing

New Actions

Action 4/1: Clerk to organise distribution of Summer edition of Newsletter by end April

Action 4/2: Clerk to order Remembrance Day flag

Action 4/3: Clerk to buy road marking paint

Action 4/4: Clerk to draw up a rota for the Summer Wellbeing Hub

Action 4/5: Clerk to write a letter of thanks to the cleaner