
Drigg and Carleton Parish Council – Minutes – May 2023

Minutes Uploaded on June 11, 2023

Held in Drigg Village Hall on 23rd May 2023 at 7.30 pm

Attended: John Jennings JJ (Chair)
Jo Whyte JW
Chris Gigg CG
Keith Murray KM
Sadie Clarke SC
Karen Warmoth (Clerk / RFO)

Apologies: Andy Pratt AP (Vice-Chair)
Suey Browne SB
Jimmy Naylor JN

1) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 11th April 2023
a) Resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting on 11th April 2023 as a true and accurate record was proposed by CG and seconded by KM with all in favour; minutes signed by the Chair

2) Apologies for absence: as above

3) Declarations of interest relating to this agenda: none

4) Resignation: Cllr Whyte will shortly be moving away from the Parish and has regretfully offered her resignation as a Parish Councillor at Drigg and Carleton

5) Financial matters
a) Finance report
i) Balance: the balance on the Parish Council account is £9,836.10
b) AGAR: still with the auditor, deferred to June 2023
c) Payments out
i) Zurich insurance premium: the village hall projector has been removed from the insurance and the two new screens added. New premium of £1,767.42. Approval of payment proposed by JJ and seconded by KM, with all in favour

6) Actions and matters arising from previous Council meetings
a) Deferred till June 2023

7) Reports from County and District Councillors
a) Cumberland: no report available, deferred till June 2023

8) Public Participation
a) No members of the public attended

9) Main Business
a) Government Consultation on managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning: response proposed and agreed with minor amendments. To be signed by the Chair and submitted to BEIS by the Clerk

Action 5/1: Clerk to submit the DCPC response to the consultation on managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning

b) Parish noticeboard: CG researched new noticeboards for the Parish, including one half open for public use and one half locked for PC use
i) Costing: noticeboards incl VAT priced at £2,400, plus installation costs
ii) Approval: proposed by SC and seconded by KM that CG actions the new noticeboards up to a spending limit of £3,000, with all in favour
c) Gate on Holmes Bridge: a parishioner reported that this gate (on the south side of the bridge) is damaged and unfit for purpose. Responsibility for this side lies with the LDNP. Both livestock and human users (walkers, cyclists, horse riders) exposed to risk of falling down a steep bank

Action 5/2: Clerk to report broken gate causing a danger to all those using the path to LDNP again

d) All other non-urgent business deferred

10) Received communications
a) Government Consultation on managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning 12 week consultation concerning Intermediate Level Near Surface storage at LLWR in Drigg
b) Tethera: email from Seascale PC to enquire whether Drigg and Carleton PC would be interested in joining Seascale in taking this publication back inhouse
i) Parish magazine: DCPC very interested in having a Parish magazine to communicate with parishioners who don’t / can’t engage with the community website
ii) Business model: DCPC keen to have more information on costings, whether printed / electronic, likely advertising revenue, etc, if this information is available

Action 5/3: Clerk to respond to Seascale with expression of interest and request for further details

11) Planning Applications
a) Lake District National Park
i) T/2023/0057 at Carleton Hall, Carleton, Holmrook, Cumbria, CA19 1YX. Felling two trees due to ash die back: no objection raised
ii) T/2023/0033 at Barbary plantation near Carleton Hall, Holmrook, Cumbria, CA19 1YX. One willow and 25 ash trees to be cut back to prevent falling onto the Highway: no objection raised
b) Morgan Offshore Wind Consultation:
i) Application noted; DCPC have no current objection but would be interested to see the plan of final sites and to hear of any socio-economic benefit packages which might benefit the Parish

12) Cumbria Association of Local Councils
a) CALC Structure: Special General Meeting online on 7th June 2023 at 7pm to discuss changing its legal status to a Limited Company without shares. All Councillors may attend the meeting – login details from the Parish Clerk

13) Reports from Representatives
a) GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
i) Report deferred until June 2023 meeting
ii) Next Community Partnership meeting: 26th June 2023 at 3 pm in Calderbridge Village Hall
b) GDF South Copeland Community Partnership
i) Report deferred until June 2023 meeting
ii) Next Community Partnership meeting: 14th June 2023 at 6.30 pm in Kirksanton Village Hall
c) NWS Liaison: May 2023 meeting rescheduled but no date given as yet. Next meeting possibly delayed till end June. Minutes of the April meeting on the community website
i) Low Level Waste Repository Development Project Open Day: an Open Day on 24th May at Drigg Village Hall is planned to explain the development programme to Parish residents

14) Agenda for next meeting
b) Approval of Clerk’s Employment contract
c) E-Newsletter suggestion
d) Closure of the Victoria pub
e) Windscale Rifle club – NWS reply
f) All other non-urgent matters deferred from May 2023

15) Date of next meeting
a) Meeting closed 8.45 pm
b) Next meeting to be held on 13th June 2023 at Drigg Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Karen Warmoth
Parish Clerk
Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
25th May 2023

Summary of New Actions

Action 5/1: Clerk to submit DCPC response to the consultation on managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning

Action 5/2: Clerk to report broken gate causing a danger to all those using the path to LDNP again

Action 5/3: Clerk to respond to Seascale with expression of interest and request for further details

Actions Ongoing

Action 4/1: CG to set up a new enquiry re repair of Holmes Lane rotten gate post with pictures

Action 4/2: Clerk to notify the parishioner that installing a litter bin would not be feasible

Action 4/3: AP to contact Cumberland Council re enforcing overnight beach parking ban

Action 4/4: Clerk to draft a letter in support of the Windscale Rifle Club for the Chair to sign

Action 4/5: Clerk to draft a response to the parishioner regarding the suggested public facilities

Action 4/6: AP to make enquiries whether tree felling licence was obtained by Hill Farm

Action 10/1: JJ to organise SB and/or CG as signatories for the PC bank account – ongoing

Action 12/3: AP to follow up with Stuart Kenyon re bench – ongoing

Action 1/1: Clerk’s contract – document review to resume in April 2023 – ongoing

Action 3/5: AP to draft a response to the Govt consultation from the Parish and for others to use

Action 3/6: SB to add the link to the consultation link to the website and the drafted response