Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
Held in Drigg Village Hall on 14th February 2023 at 7.40 pm
Attended: John Jennings JJ (Chair)
Andy Pratt AP (Vice-Chair)
Keith Murray KM
Jimmy Naylor JN
Chris Gigg CG
Jo Whyte JW
Karen Warmoth (Clerk / RFO)
Apologies: Keith Hitchen
Suey Browne
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 10th January 2023
- Resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting on 10th January 2023 as a true and accurate record was proposed by KM and seconded by CG with all in favour; minutes signed by the Chair
- Apologies for absence: as above
- Declarations of Interest relating to this agenda: none
- Financial Matters
- Finance Report:
- Balance: the balance on the Parish Council account is £4,890.98
- VAT reclaim: £900.40 paid into the PC account with £1,787 claimed but not as yet paid into the account: total claimed £2,678.40
- Finance Report:
- Local Government Act 1972 s.137(4)(a) expenditure limit 2023-24: increased by the Dept for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to £9.93
- Payments:
- Quote for security cupboards for screens: A M Joinery submitted a quote for making the security cabinet for the screens and side cupboards Ref AM0274; the quote was accepted by the Parish Council
- Clerk training:
- Finance training: Clerk authorised to attend CALC Finance Training (20th March 2023, online) and CALC End of Year Accounts & Audit training (22nd March 2023, online) at a cost of £20 each session
- CiLCA training: CiLCA training deferred till September 2023; proposed cost of £180. No decision made as to funding
- Actions and Matters Arising from previous Council meetings
- Action 10/1: JJ to organise SB and/or CG as signatories for the PC bank account – ongoing
- Action 11/1: AP to liaise with Julie Friend regarding presentation on community housing led initiatives – possibly March 2023 – ongoing
- Action 11/3: announcement on Deep Time Art project due shortly – CBC to contact Clerk with details
- Action 12/3: AP to follow up with Stuart Kenyon re bench
- Action 1/1: Clerk’s contract – document review ongoing
- Action 1/2: Safeguarding Policy completed and added to website – action completed
- Action 1/3: non-voting seat on Mid Copeland Community Partnership accepted – action completed
- Action 1/4: South Copeland Community Partnership confirmed the seat for Drigg and Carleton; the delegate has been informed of meeting dates and will be onboarded before the April meeting – action completed
- Reports from County and District Councillors
- County: nothing to report
- Copeland: nothing to report
- Cumberland: vesting date of the new Unitary Council is 1st April 2023. A budget meeting is due next month. The council will require a loan of £24 million on the first day of operation. Council tax will be harmonised representing a 5% increase for Copeland residents
- Public Participation
- Pollinators scheme: one member of the public attended and asked for details of the Pollinators scheme. She offered to be a volunteer to help with planting at the appropriate time and to take care of the flower beds through the year. The County Council have not passed on any paperwork to Cumberland Shadow Council as yet relating to the Pollinators scheme; if it fails on these grounds, other funding streams for the buying of seeds for a project of this nature might be available, including the Drigg Charity.
- Main Business
- Clerk’s Employment contract: currently under review – ongoing
- South Copeland Community Partnership: CG formally accepted the role of delegate to the South Copeland CP. He has received notification of the dates and times of meetings and will be onboarded before the first meeting in April 2023
- Parking on Hill: email from the police suggested the Parish Council should ask Highways to put double yellow lines on the road. AP is on the Copeland equivalent of the Highways Group CRASH and will raise the matter at the April meeting to start the process
Action 2/1: Clerk to email the parishioner that the PC proposes to request double yellow lines on this stretch of road
- Grass cutting schedule for 2023-24: Copeland sent a quote for a one off cut and a quote for sweeping the village pavements (Stewart Kenyon is on the third year of a three year agreement to cut the grass throughout the season)
- Parish Hall stairs project: drawings have been finalised using the same design as the one already approved by Copeland but with different materials. AP to contact Building Control at CBC to confirm that another planning application will not be required
Action 2/2: AP to confirm with CBC Building Control that a new planning application for the stairs is not required
- Warm Hub project: AP has submitted a budget request to fund the Warm Hub which has been granted but has not yet been paid into the PC bank account
- Bench: Stewart Kenyon waiting for better weather – ongoing
- Website training: Clerk has benefitted from website training; further training in administrator level updating still pending
- Pending election: documents from the Electoral Commission relating to voter identification at forthcoming elections have been added to the website. The Clerk will attend an online training session with CBC on the Clerk’s role in the election process
- Rivers Trust: Chris West reported that the proposed project involving restoring the natural floodplain of the River Irt downstream of the road bridge has been cancelled due to unresolved difficulties with accessing the land
- Received communications
- Correspondence: receipt of correspondence noted
- Planning Applications
- Copeland Borough Council
- Ref 4/23/2030/OF1: Ashlea, Drigg: replace existing utility room and garage with new utility room and garage. The PC has no objection to this planning application
- Copeland Borough Council
- Cumbria Association of Local Councils
- Report: no meeting since the last PC meeting.
- New Unitary Council: Parish Reps will be on the CALC committee when Cumberland Council is established in April 2023
- Copeland Liaison Rep: Chris Shaw, the current Rep, is retiring for personal reasons
- Reports from Representatives
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership: no meeting since the last PC meeting. Next Mid Copeland Community Partnership meeting scheduled on 28th February 2023 at Calderbridge
- NWS Liaison: meeting held on 31st January 2023 and minutes shared on Drigg website.
- BEIS policy: consultation is out and will be live in February; West Cumbria Site Stakeholder Group will respond
- Near surface intermediate level waste: 12 week consultation takes place when Copeland BC and Cumbria County Council are both winding down, while Cumberland Council is not yet set up with Nuclear officers to examine the proposals in detail; Copeland MP Trudy Harrison is to petition for this period to be extended
- Drigg Royal Ordnance Factory: as it was on the site of the current LLWR Site, a plaque erected near the NWS’s LLWR Site front gate in memory of those who died in the munitions factory at Drigg during WWII – pictures on the Drigg & Carleton community website
- Agenda for next meeting
- Agenda: items to be submitted three working days before the meeting
- Preparing for audit: Clerk to prepare for audit of transactions and supply documents needed
- Double yellow lines: Holmrook Hill, top and bottom
- Date of next meeting
- Meeting closed 8.55 pm
- Next meeting to be held on 14th March 2023 at Drigg Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Karen Warmoth
Parish Clerk
Drigg and Carleton Parish Council
21st February 2023
Summary of New Actions
Action 2/1: Clerk to email the parishioner that the PC proposes to request double yellow lines on this piece of road
Action 2/2: AP to confirm with CBC Building Control that a new planning application for the stairs is not required
Actions ongoing
Action 10/1: JJ to organise SB and/or CG as signatories for the PC bank account – ongoing
Action 11/1: AP to liaise with Julie Friend regarding presentation on community housing led initiatives – possibly March 2023 – ongoing
Action 12/3: AP to follow up with Stuart Kenyon re bench – ongoing
Action 1/1: Clerk’s contract – document review ongoing