Held in Drigg Village Hall on 9th July 2024 at 6.30 pm
Chris Gigg CG (Chair)
John Jennings JJ (Vice-Chair)
Andy Pratt AP (Ward Councillor)
Jimmy Naylor JN
Keith Murray KM
Martin Clayton MC
Sadie Clarke SC
Andy McMillan AMcM
Karen Warmoth (Clerk / RFO)
Apologies: None
- Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting
- Resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting on 11th June 2024 as a true and accurate record proposed by KM and seconded by JJ with all in favour; minutes signed by the Chair
- Apologies for absence: none
- Declarations of interest relating to this agenda: none
- Co-option
- Andy McMillan was proposed by KM and seconded by MC to join the Parish Council which voted unanimously to co-opt him. He duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as witnessed by the Parish Clerk, the Code of Conduct for Councillors 2022 and submitted a DPI
- Financial matters
- Finance report
- Balance: the balance of the Parish Council account is £4,093.55 (£224.80 remains outstanding to HMRC, less £200 fine)
- Delegate HMRC PAYE work: discussed and approved that Fiona Roberts should manage the HMRC PAYE submissions
- Consideration of payments
- Information Commissioner: Data Protection fee of £40 requested by email; CG proposed approval of payment, seconded by JJ with all in favour
- Barney’s Support Services Ltd: invoice SI-186 for annual maintenance of the parish defibrillators for £210 plus £42 VAT. Payment approval proposed by KM, seconded by SC with all in favour
- Finance report
- Clerk’s invoice for services: invoice for the services of the Clerk/RFO from April to June 2024, gross salary £976.80 plus expenses £29.99. Payment approval proposed by KM, seconded by SC with all in favour
- Payments received
- DCPC Invoice sent: Charity billed £457.34 for the services of the Clerk Apr – Jun 2024
- Actions and matters arising
- Action 5/1: CG has the dimensions of the shutters; JJ to obtain the dimensions of the new screen to ensure they both fit together – action closed
- Action 5/5: AP to arrange for the Millennium Oak stone to be moved around – closed
- Action 6/1: First Responders willing to run Defib / CPR training sessions; Clerk to suggest 7th or 21st Sept as potential dates – action closed
- Action 6/2: benefits of moving to .gov.uk not sufficient to justify moving from current Drigg community website; Clerk to set up new gmail accounts for Cllrs for PC business in case of FoI requests – action closed
- Action 6/3: Clerk to draft a letter in support of the Bill for safety standards for lithium batteries; letter signed by Chair and sent – action completed
- Action 6/4: Clerk to establish whether the Parish is in the area of community benefit for the Offshore Wind Project; email sent but no response – action closed
Action 7/1: JJ to obtain dimensions of the new screen to ensure the shutters fit round it
Action 7/2: Clerk to contact First Responders with dates for Defib / CPR training (7th / 21st Sept)
Action 7/3: Clerk to set up new gmail accounts for Cllrs for PC business in case of FoI requests
- Cumberland Council
- Report
- Cumberland Council meeting held on 8th July 2024
- Superfast broadband: Fibrus public meeting at Gosforth Public Hall on 23rd July 2024 from 7 pm to 8.30 pm
- Report
- Grass verge cutting: Highways cut the village verges far wider than the normal one metre strip, removing the wildflowers planted for the pollinators and leaving weeds. Clerk to write to Cumberland Council to complain and send DCPC mowing schedule
- Lamp-posts: some disused lamp-posts are still live and should be removed if they cannot be made safe or fixed. Cumberland continuing Copeland policy of capping them
- McCarthy Stone Foundation: offering community grants of up to £7,500 for those implementing projects to benefit the elderly in rural isolation. Closing date August 2024
- Highways
- Speed review: to be considered later in this meeting
Action 7/4: Clerk to contact Highways regarding the village grass cutting schedule
- Public Participation: no members of the public came forward
- Main Business
- Drigg Holme: the LDNP will supply gates for either side of the Packhorse bridge which their rangers will install in the off-season; awaiting quotes for the work
- Unauthorised use of Drigg & Carleton Parish logo: request sent to the CALC Legal team on the unauthorised use of the DCPC logo; recommended response as follows has been added to the Drigg Community website
- The Drigg & Carleton Parish Council logo is the property of the D&C Parish Council; use or reproduction of the same unless specifically authorised by the Council is prohibited.
- Overnight parking at the beach: NDA to investigate ownership of this land
- Shutters: CG has the dimensions of the shutters; JJ to obtain the dimensions of the new screen to ensure they both fit together
- Hall Loft project: the Working Group have achieved a tremendous amount
- Metal items have been removed and are awaiting collection
- Could stairs be wider? Max possible width is 740 mm
- Suggestion to reduce the ladder to only one handrail
- Tail/truck lift: AP & SC researched suppliers but had no response
- SC to follow up with more suggestions for suppliers
- Possible to place stairs flush to the wall?
- Agreed to consider all options and return in September to compare pros/cons of each
- Newsletter: publication and distribution due in first week of September 2024; copy date week beginning 12th August 2024
- Village groups asked to submit autumn dates and activities by mid-August
- Tubs round the village: four other locations identified as places for tubs next season
- Saltcoats, Stubble Green, church dip, bridge layby chosen for additional planters
- SC to price plants, compost, tubs, flagstones for the September meeting
- Clerk to ask SK to strim round the benches on Shore Road and install flagstones
- Traffic survey: speed review undertaken at Stubble Green. Data considered to be within acceptable parameters; vehicles predominantly within the speed range so a decrease in the speed limit is not deemed necessary
- Request for Cumberland to clean and service the illuminated traffic signals in the village
- LLWR gave a traffic calming endowment of £6k-£10k per sign to fund maintenance
- Resolved to send the data set to the parishioner who requested the speed review
- Village maintenance: Japanese knotweed has been reported to Cumberland who sprayed it with herbicide
- Beach benches: NDA Estates have offered to replace the beach benches and speak to their tenant farmer about ownership of the benches; to be followed up at the Liaison meeting
- Turrets: believed to be structurally unsound but will be rechecked by NDA Estates
- Any other Parish matters: none raised
- Received communications
- Lakes Parish Council: vote of No Confidence in the LDNPA
- LDNPA have challenged this decision by the Lakes Parish Council over a Planning decision
- VE Day 80: celebration of 80 year anniversary of Victory in Europe, 8th May 2025
- To be added to the DC Newsletter
- Lakes Parish Council: vote of No Confidence in the LDNPA
- Planning Applications
- Cumberland Council:
- 4/24/2231/OF1 – Erection of two agricultural buildings, Tamarisk, Drigg: buildings completed in November 2023. For use by pedigree sheep and rare breed hens, and also to store feed, bedding and equipment
- The Parish Council is neutral with requests for clarification on:
- whether the visual aspect could be screened from the road via a hedge?
- how many animals will be housed there?
- whether this number will increase?
- what arrangements are in place for the removal of animal waste?
- The Parish Council is neutral with requests for clarification on:
- 4/24/2231/OF1 – Erection of two agricultural buildings, Tamarisk, Drigg: buildings completed in November 2023. For use by pedigree sheep and rare breed hens, and also to store feed, bedding and equipment
- Cumberland Council:
- Cumberland Council: Minerals and Waste Planning Team 4/24/9002: Re-consultation – siting of 26 portable buildings for office, laboratory and welfare purposes for a temporary period of 5 years. Creation of contractor’s vehicle and siting of four electric vehicle charging points. Drigg Low Level Waste Disposal Site
- The DCPC received a letter from Garan Comley of NWS in response to the issues raised offering to meet to discuss this matter – it will be raised at the Liaison meeting
- The DCPC Liaison cttee members shall meet before the next DCPC / NWS Liaison meeting to co-ordinate a response
- Cumbria Association of Local Councils
- Training: deferred until the new tranche of training dates is published by CALC
- Report: no meeting due to the pre-election period
- Reports from Representatives
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
- Pre-election period: no meetings were held during the pre-election period
- Next meeting: Monday 29th July 2024, 3.30 pm, in St Mary’s Room, Gosforth
- GDF South Copeland Community Partnership
- Pre-election period: no meetings were held during the pre-election period
- Next meeting: on 14th August 2024 at 6.30 pm at Kirksanton Village Hall
- GDF Mid Copeland Community Partnership
- Community Forum: to be held in Drigg Village Hall, Mon 16th September 2024 at 6-8 pm
- NWS / DCPC Liaison meeting
- Issues raised: traffic, beach car park, recent planning application
- Beach info boards: NWS agreed to contribute towards the cost of re-installing them
- Website: CG agreed to provide usage statistics
- Next NWS / DCPC Liaison meeting: at 4.30 pm on 23rd July 2024 at LLWR site
- Query re ownership of land at the shore
- Beach car park – ownership and signage
- Matters to be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
- Planters round the village – SC costing plan
- Date of next meeting
- Close: meeting closed 8.30 pm
- Next meeting: to be held on 14th September 2024 at Drigg Village Hall at 6.30 pm
- No meeting in August
Karen Warmoth
Parish Clerk
Drigg & Carleton Parish Council
12th July 2024
Summary of Actions
Action 7/1: JJ to obtain dimensions of the new screen to ensure the shutters fit round it
Action 7/2: Clerk to contact First Responders with dates for Defib /CPR training (7th / 21st Sept)
Action 7/3: Clerk to set up new gmail accounts for Cllrs for PC business in case of FoI requests
Action 7/4: Clerk to contact Highways regarding the village grass cutting schedule